Thursday, 10 February 2011

High Concept film 2009 Transformers 2

Transformers 2 which is a Michael Bay Film seems to follow this 10 part High Concept Model. First of all it does have a sense of "post generic" film-making because at one point it an action film, next it is a comedy so it does mix genres really well. It uses extended montages in Transformers especially during th battle scene in Egypt when it goes from showing a number of Military Aircraft, from planes to tanks to infantry. It has a frequent representation of reflecting the graphics because you look at the some of the high special effect scenes in Transformers they look so realistic that it fits to this each shot looks like a "million dollars". Frequently during the trailer scenes are replicated, especially the Egypt and Shanghai battle scenes to try and make it look as acton packed as possible. The action is very exaggerated and intense in transformers massive explosions, big firefights. Music does interrupt the ilm especially during Egypt battle scene as they try to intensify the action with music. There are some references to films in Transformers especially at the end when the refrence towards Gunfight at O.K Coral is made. There is a detached appearance of stars in Transformers with Megan Fox who is made to look how she is real life 'attractive' and even in battle scenes she is dressed nice and looking attractive, playing on the female role.

Easy Riders and Raging Bulls documentary (NEW HOLLYWOOD)

Between 1960 and 1980 a whole new generation of film making came into effect, it was known as New Hollywood abecause certain contracts or rules were begginning to be broken during this time. New Hollywood occured because of young directors coming in and creating films that brought a sense of excitement to Hollywood. Example directors would be Martin Scorcese, Steven Spielberg and Roman Polanski. These directors helped to bring "the baby boom generation" to the cinema because before the youth generaton thought they weren't be catered for so when Hollywood was injected with a vast amount of young directors,they were soon catered for. A film that helped contribute to this was Antonioni''s Blow Up made in 1966 which was a risk because of its daring content but also because of the complex storylines, this attracted audiences massively because ofit reflecting on own experience's and interests. Another factor was that realism became a more important style- it was easier to film on location as development in technology allowed smaller sound and filming equipment. Films like Easy Riders and Bonnie and Clyde were the first stages towards New Hollywood and Steven Spielberg's Jaws was in the finals stages. Other films that contributed were The Graduate, Midnight Cowboy and Rosemary's Baby. The success of these allowed more daring films like Taxi Driver and Mean Streets. Also during that time Independent films were becoming more popuar during the "New Hollywood" phase.

Robert Altman research

Robert Altman was an American Film Director born on the 20th February 1925 but died on the 20th November 2006. Some of the films that he has been involved in over his career are M*A*S*H, Nashville and McCabe and Mrs Miller. A way that Altman directs was that his films were highly naturalistic but with a stylized perspective, he was also referenced as an actor's director, been able to work wih large casts of well known actors. Robert Altman came to direct M*A*S*H when he was offered the script to i and he agreed to direct the project. Altman was 45 when he came to direct M*A*S*H. Prior to directing M*A*S*H he had done a lot of television work working on TV series such as Bonanza and Combat!, he did do some film directing before M*A*S*H, a 1969 film which was called That Cold Day In The Park, which was not successful. Things that were said about Altman in regards to M*A*S*H was that he frequently encouraged that they talk over each other, he seemed to have a style of making people talk over each other. 20th Centur Fox was the studio that produced M*A*S*H and the estimated budget was 3.5 million pounds.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

2 Recent films that have been certified by BBFC

One recent film that has been certified is the Battle of Los Angeles which is due in cinemas on the 11th March 2011. It has been classified as a 12A for moderate violence, sustained threat and infrequent strong language. They believe that the violence in the film or the language used is suitable for a 12A rating as it is not intense or insulting language, or gory scenes of violence.

Another film recently been certified is Paul which is due in cinemas on 14th February. This has been classed as a 15 for strong language and sex references. This has received a 15 because the language and sex references will be too frequent for it to be suitable for a 12A audience.